Puedes ver el detalle en el siguiente vídeo.
Colabora con nosotros!
El valor de la tecnología se ve incrementado cuando su aplicación tiene un impacto social positivo, cuando áreas como la educación cobran valor para los ciudadanos. Además, si se añade la colaboración entre actores con distintos perfiles, el impacto es aún mayor y los resultados se pueden ver en Internet.
Para ver la publicación basta con descargar el fichero pdf aquí.
Mapping Bolivia and education (español).
Watch this video that explains how to involve university and community for development...a good expample that participation makes it possible: location for everyone.
On sunday 22th at 10.00AM GTM -6 (15PM UK; 16 PM - Central Europe) we are handling a meetinng with the bolivian farmers in the municipality of Totora.
We plan to broadcast live this event throught this web page and upload the tracks created by the farmers.
If you want to join this mapping party you can contribute by digitalizating tracks or just enjoy the presentation of the preliminary results of the first participative cartography project in Bolivia.
The event will be held in Spanish and Quechua but we will try to subtitle in live.
You can find more information by next hours in the blog of the project http://mappingbolivia.blogspot.com and tomorow on the broadcast a live chat will be available so you also can participate on the event.
Any questions or suggestions can also be directed to the project mail mappingbolivia@gmail.com